Message from Jim Fitch, CEO, Noria Corporation, USA

Noria Corporation is thrilled to introduce the inaugural issue of Machinery Lubrication India magazine sponsored by our licensed partner VAS Tribology Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
For more than a dozen years the U.S.-based version of the magazine has had an active and growing subscriber base from India. These readers will now enjoy a version of the magazine that offers leading edge content that has given Machinery Lubrication international recognition. It will also incorporate local and regional content relating to products, services and case history.
Machinery Lubrication India magazine is the first publication completely dedicated to machinery lubrication practitioners and professional striving to enhance reliability in plant and fleet equipment. This flagship publication is the product of decades of experience by its publisher, editors and subject-matter experts who routinely provide editorial content.
Positioned at the center of our many goals for this new publication is the simple ambition to provide lubricant users a clear pathway to excellence and best practice, teaching the essence of what defines “world class” and the Optimum Reference State. Although lubricants themselves have vastly evolved over the past few decades, until recently lubrication practices have remained relatively unchanged. As today’s industries face harsh competition and razor-thin operating margins, there is a very real need to challenge conventional wisdom regarding how machines are lubricated.