Publisher's Note

Udey Dhir with Jim Fitch, CEO, Noria Corporation

Attending Noria's Reliable Plant 2013

I recently had a wonderful opportunity to attend Noria's 14th annual Reliable Plant Conference and Exhibition in Columbus, Ohio (USA). The three-day program was attended by hundreds of manufacturing and service professionals from around the globe to benchmark best practices, see and learn about the latest technologies and make new contacts.

Guy period D Gruters, a former F-100 fighter pilot, opened the general session with a keynote address on "Using Teamwork to Overcome Tough Conditions and Achieve Your Goals." These lessons were learned during the fi ve years he spent as a prisoner of war in a North Vietnamese prison camp and included his post-combat business experience.

The exhibit hall at Reliable Plant 2013 Seventy-five interesting papers, case studies and personal experiences were presented in six parallel sessions over the duration of the conference. A wide variety of topics were covered, including lubrication best practices, thermal imaging to diagnose machinery lubrication problems and how cloud computing has moved into predictive maintenance.

Over 100 products and services were also on display at the Greater Columbus Convention Center, with many of them being very new concepts. What amazed me most was the modular designed lube rooms, which have become very popular in the U.S.

The conference was preceded by a two-day partnership summit attended by 16 Noria partners from as many countries. New advancements in lubrication process development and other value-added services were discussed at length. Machinery Lubrication India was appreciated both for its presentation and content.

One of 75 learning sessions at Reliable Plant 2013

The article on "Optimizing Oil Change Intervals in Heavy Duty Vehicles" in the March-April 2013 edition of Machinery Lubrication India caused a lot of our readers to write to us. Most of them were appreciative of the scientific approach suggested by the author, J. Bennett Fitch, while others were taken by surprise that we covered an article on automotive lubrication in a magazine on machinery lubrication.

Machinery Lubrication India has a wide circulation among professionals from automobile manufacturing facilities and is the fi rst and only magazine focused on lubricants, lubrication and machine reliability, it should cover all aspects of lubrication, including automobiles. We have also received a number of requests to cover metal-working fluids, which is under consideration.

We look forward to your support and feedback to enable us to improve the content and layout of Machinery Lubrication India.

Warm regards,

Udey Dhir

Attendees of Noria's recent licensed partner summit

Machinery Lubrication India