Publisher's Note

Udey Dhir

The past month has been quite enlightening as I with other industry experts, decision-makers and practitioners from around the world congregated for Noria Corporation’s 15th annual Reliable Plant Conference and Exhibition held from April 22-24, 2014, in San Antonio, Texas. The premier event for lubrication, oil analysis and reliability professionals attracted approximately 1,000 people, including attendees from 42 U.S. states and 27 countries.

Nearly 90 learning sessions on a variety of topics were available for attendees to choose from, with case studies on achieving a world-class lube room, improving equipment reliability through root cause failure analysis, overcoming common problems and challenges with lube oil condition monitoring, and developing a lubrication program along with achieving a change in culture. We can easily assess our systems by applying this information and evaluate our strengths and weaknesses.

The exhibition hall featured more than 100 industry-leading companies and organizations showcasing a broad range of products and services. I really liked the format of the learning sessions mixed with exhibit hall time.

In the opening general session, Noria’s Jim Fitch gave an update on the state of the industry which was followed by the presentation of the John R. Battle Award for lubrication excellence to the Sinclair Wyoming Refinery.

This issue of Machinery Lubrication India throws light upon Purchasing Lubricants Based on Performance. In this price driven market, it is important to take a step back and analyze whether long terms cost effectiveness and machine reliability is achieved.

We also cover various aspects of interpreting an oil analysis report as well as inputs on in-service grease analysis and hydrodynamic cleaning and flushing of turbine oil systems.

Finally, by concentrating on performance specifications, total fluid management (TFM) will take on a whole new dimension. If you choose to go this route, you could achieve end to end lubricant solutions which will help you reduce your operating costs as well as improve machine availability.

As usual we welcome our readers to send in suggestions and comments which enable us to provide more relevant and beneficial content. If you feel this magazine would benefit your colleagues/team members, please feel free to sign them up on and share the knowledge.

Warm Regards,
Udey Dhir

Noria stall ICML Stall

Reliable Plant Exhibition

Machinery Lubrication India