Seminar: "Better Lubrication, Better Production"

Seminar Bangladesh

VAS Tribology Solutions organized the Seminar on “Better Lubrication, Better Production” held on 19th November 2017 at Dhaka to introduce various Noria services in the region.

Speakers had attracted great interest as Technical & Supply Chain executives from various industries like Steel, Cement, Polymer, Electrical Jute, Plastic, Piping and Textile participated in the seminar. Mr. Rafq Mujtaba, Director, Bangladesh Thai Aluminium (BTA) was the guest of honour.

Mr. Udey Dhir of VAS Tribology Solutions (regional partner of Noria Corporation, USA) addressed the gathering on “Optimum Lubrication through Lubrication Program Development”. Mr. Michael Hooper, Lead Trainer for Noria Corporation spoke on “Listen to your Lubricants - Oil Analysis”. Mr Mossadek Hossain, CEO of MEDCO also addressed the gathering on Lubricant Industry in Bangladesh. He spoke on expectation of customers and what industry can do to fulfl those.

The seminar was followed by a 3 day training program (20th-22nd Nov) on Practical Oil Analysis, a Noria Skill Development Training and ICML certifcation exam.

Seminar BangladeshSeminar Bangladesh

Machinery Lubrication India