Our magazine Machinery Lubrication India has completed its 7 years with this issue. We’ve published over thousand articles. We always try to publish the most valuable articles and our dear… Read more...
High consumption of engine oil is almost always a symptom or consequence of another condition of even greater importance. This article will address this issue from the standpoint of oil loss… Read more...
“Lubricant specifications are effective guidelines for selecting and using the right lubricants in the right applications.” Effective lubricant selection must strike a balance between quality… Read more...
Contrary to popular belief, there are major differences between passenger car motor oil (PCMO) and heavy-duty diesel oil. The main distinction is in the additive packages. PCMO has lower… Read more...
At Machinery Lubrication India, we constantly endeavor to enhance the content of our publication. Keeping in mind the interest of our subscribers, we are starting a special section… Read more...
Often the only tests and actions performed on a hydraulic system involve changing the filters, sampling the oil and checking the oil level. As long as the system is operating, the mentality of… Read more...
Lubricating oils are not completely free of air. Whether during operation or storage in barrels, oils are constantly in an exchange process with their air-containing environment. Even if the oil… Read more...
Of all the different types of gear configurations, worm gear systems are considered some of the most problematic because they present unique lubrication challenges due to their distinct design. To… Read more...
As oil or oil additives degrade, they develop varnish and begin to accumulate this material within the oil. The amount of varnish carried by or within the oil will progressively increase as the… Read more...
Use a Camera for Better Oil Analysis … Put your cellphone camera to good use by taking a photograph of an oil sample (if using a transparent sample bottle) and storing the image in a trending… Read more...
Particle contamination can be described as any dirt (silica), metal, soot or soft insoluble material that is not designed to be present, but which gains access to the lubrication system. It has… Read more...
… Across industry there has been a move toward predictive and proactive maintenance, but unfortunately a large number of organizations are still operating in the reactive maintenance… Read more...
I am a regular reader of “Machinery Lubrication India” since the year 2013-14. I sincerely appreciate the content supplied in each edition in terms of quality, practicality & relevance to the… Read more...
Jindal Steel & Power … Practical Industrial Lubrication Orientation Training (PILOT) , a specially designed accessory and activity-based training for Lube Techs and Plant Engineers was… Read more...
India witnessed the highest increase in crude oil imports in the first four months (April-July) of the current fiscal year 2019-20 (FY20) from the US. India’s crude oil imports from the US tripled… Read more...