Publisher’s Note

Udey DhirThe global economy has been badly hit, but normalcy is coming back and being seen in different parts of the world. Most industries have been affected during these trying times, and the lubricant industry has not been spared. Te demand for automotive lubricants has significantly reduced due to total and partial lockdowns. Likewise, industrial lubricants have been dealt a hefty blow because of low demand for manufactured goods during these times.

The current global COVID-19 pandemic has forced companies to operate uniquely and smartly while noting various health and safety regulations. The current situation has changed the maintenance and operational landscape and ultimately boosted the indulgence of industry 4.0 technologies. The fourth industrial revolution aims to transform traditional industrial processes and enhance the value creation chain. Some of the vital applications in lubricant condition monitoring include interconnectivity or integration of lubrication systems and the introduction of automation that will reduce the complexity of manual testing. Advanced online lubrication sensors in addition to off-line analysis for data collection and fusion, will ensure real-time interferences hence improve overall equipment efficiency. One of the cornerstones of Industry 4.0 is data analysis and knowledge discovery tools like data analytics and simulation. In the case of lubricants, data may be employed separately or integrated with other condition monitoring data like vibration and operational data to provide robust insights on the health of the lubricant and the machines. Lubricant condition monitoring and other maintenance programs can employ these technologies that ensure industrial operations like maintenance are efficient, productive and less wasteful.

Apart from building long-term competitiveness on the global stage, India stands to gain significantly by implementing Industry 4.0. Adopting this industrial revolution will allow manufacturers to improve productivity, efficiency, safety and performance. Second, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), which form the backbone of Indian manufacturing can leverage Industry 4.0 technologies to become more responsive, increase productivity, streamline costs and reduce risks. Third, employers will be able to increase the skills of their workforce. Training in safety-related skills will also come into play with an increased level of human-machine cooperation.

We would like to thank our readers for the heartening response to our previous edition’s cover story – “Fire-resistant Hydraulic Fluids”.

Our current issue’s cover story is “Oil Analysis or Vibration Analysis? Which Is Better and When to Use Each Technique” which will help our readers to determine the most appropriate maintenance actions by analyzing each asset and considering various perspectives.

Despite the challenging times, we have been relentless in keeping you up to date with the industry news & informative articles and we will continue to do so. Enjoy the Read.

As always, we welcome your feedback & suggestions.

Stay Safe & Be Healthy.

Warm regards

Udey Dhir

Machinery Lubrication India